Tuesday, 4 February 2014

My Kitchen Essentials

As I love to spend time in the kitchen, I have slowly gathered more and more kitchen equipment; for my 18th birthday just before I started university, my presents involved a lot of good quality kitchen things! Then for my 21st birthday, hello pretty pink KitchenAid!
There are some things I just need in my kitchen cupboards nowadays, I don't know what I would do without them!
White kitchen.
I want my kitchen to look lived in!
I have staple food items in my cupboard - yes, multiple types of flour and sugar are essential, a tub of stork margarine in the fridge if I can't be bothered with butter, and eggs. I had 10 eggs last Saturday... by lunchtime on Sunday I only had 4 left, whoops. You never know when you might want to whip something up! But to do that, you need to have the gear...

Funnily enough, a lot of my items are pink, but regardless of the colour, I think they are perfect for the job!

Kitchen Essentials
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight
KitchenAid - I couldn't live without it now. A casserole dish that goes from hob to oven to table. Cake tins - as many as you need for the numbers of layers in your cake! Silicone spatula gets every last bit out of the mixing bowl, so you can finish off the cake mix (yum!). 6 hole muffin/cupcake tins are so much easier to store than bulky 12 hole ones. A decent set of scales to weigh it all out. Rice is so annoying to use if you have to blind bake pastry, ceramic beans do a far better job. No teaspoon in our cutlery draw will ever be the right size for baking powder, make sure you can measure it correctly! And that's just a few of the things I claim to need in the kitchen!

What do you need in your kitchen?

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