Tuesday, 17 September 2013

New York City Break

So, I have just returned from an unbelievable long weekend in New York City, and back to the world of blogging, with a little bit more pink in my life!
Kate Spade pink bracelets and pink laptop
Back to blogging with some pretty pink bracelets
I managed over 400 photos, and still wish that I had taken more. (I pity anyone who comes across my Facebook, it will soon be photo overload!). I'm not sure what the best part of our city break was, so I'll go through it from the start, though it may take a little time.
British passport instagram
Instagramming away!
We flew to JFK from London Heathrow, armed with goodies to keep us going. I had a quick chance to upload a couple of songs on to my phone before we left (since returning from France I have been a bit technology-backwards with a broken computer and a retro Samsung), and some choice books on my Kindle. I'm currently reading Miranda Hart's autobiography; 'Is It Just Me?'. I have read it before, and will definitely read it again, I just can't help but read it in my mind in her voice and sit there giggling away on my own.

Is It Just Me? Kindle and iPhone music
My plane entertainment
Chocolate Cupcake on plane
Chocolate 'cuppie' cake ... not the best taste but cute to look at!
A seven and a half hour flight later, with me slightly bored due to the headphone socket for my 'in-flight-entertainment-system' being really dodgy and not being able to work out what anyone was actually talking about in the films, we queued 2 hours for immigration. At least I now have another stamp in my passport!
Murray Hill Apartment
Our studio!
We hopped in a taxi and headed to our cute studio in Murray Hill that we booked through Airbnb. Then the heavens opened. There was so much rain! So rather than being adventurous for dinner, we ran across the street to the Moonstruck Diner just over the road. Think guacamole, a slightly too greasy burger and really good chips. Or should I be calling them fries now?
Moonstruck Diner New York Guacamole
Moonstruck Diner NYC Bacon Burger
Bacon Burger
Moonstruck Diner Steak Sandwich
Steak Sandwich
Jet lag set in over night though... American TV got us through it. What better film to watch at 5am than Jaws 2? And singing a bit of Macklemore? Worked for us!

1 comment :

  1. The studio looks great! What a fun start to a trip!



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